Hercules version number is \"4.00.0-git-7717-g4a2d840\" ( Setting SDK environment relative to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0. Targeting Windows XP x64 RELEASE Makefile will assume VS9 or VS2008 Express (MSVC version 15) Target processor type is AMD64 VERSION = \"4.00.0-git-7717-g4a2d840\" ( ZLIB support will be included from "C:\hercdev\ZLIB1\x64" BZIP2 support will be included from "c:\hercdev\bzip2\x64" PCRE support will be included from "c:\hercdev\pcre\x64" OBJECT REXX support will be included from "C:\Program Files\ooRexx" REGINA REXX support will be included from "c:\Regina" OBJECT REXX FLAGS /D ENABLE_OBJECT_REXX /I"C:\Program Files\ooRexx\api" /D HAVE_REXX_H /D HAVE_OOREXXAPI_H REGINA REXX FLAGS /D ENABLE_REGINA_REXX /I"c:\Regina\include" /D HAVE_REXXSAA_H IPV6 FLAGS /D ENABLE_IPV6 build_pch.c c:\snapshots\hercules-390\hstdinc.h(20) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'targetver.h': No such file or directory